Sunday 27 May 2012

Wonderful time last week away on retreat in Northumberland. Read 3 books - "The Contemplative Pastor" "Love Wins" and "The future of Atheism. Probably says a lot about the eclectic nature of my supply of spiritual food. Coupled this with lots of walks along the Northumbrian Coast Path and long conversations with God which I hope were not merely a case of my Id conversing with my Superego. Came back relaxed and confident to a really nice game of cricket in whcih I actually played pretty well and an even better baptismal service yesterday.
So why am I awake and writing this at 4 a.m. having had one hour's sleep?
Because there's church politics going on and I have lost the tranquility which I thought had arrived with an air of permanence last week. Some old wounds have been exposed through no fault of anybody's but the ecclesiastical power games I no longer have either the heart or stomach for.
Think I might just avoid today's meeting on the grounds that it is not good for my mental health

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